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Helge Netland

Helge Netland

Winterthur, Switzerland

Helge Netland was born in Bergen, Norway, in 1959. Today he operates two ateliers, one in Winterthur, Switzerland and one in Punta Sal, Peru. His bows are played by prominent musicians such as Janine Jansen, Arve Tellefsen, Rosanne Philippens, Thomas Zehetmair, Henning Kraggerud, Ilja Gringolts, Jürg Dähler, Éric Maria Couturier and Samuel Niederhauser. 

Netland's journey in bowmaking began under the guidance of Benoît Rolland in Brittany, France, where he learned the revered techniques of historic French bowmakers.

Netland's work is deeply influenced by the 19th-century Parisian bowmaking tradition, exemplified by masters like Persoit, D. Peccatte, and Tourte, whose craftsmanship continues to inspire him.


An accomplished violinist and cello enthousiast, Netland draws on his extensive musical background when crafting his bows. He begins testing the bow's musicality early in the process, refining its qualities through careful planning and adjustment until it reaches completion. Netland also meticulously crafts each component by hand in his workshop. From shaping sticks and frogs with planes, knives, and chisels to crafting silver and gold fittings and intricately cutting mother-of-pearl, every detail reflects his commitment to authenticity and quality. 

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